The Warm Springs Reservation houses three distinct but connected tribes: the Wasco (originally from the state of Washington), the Warm Springs People, and the Northern Paiute. The Paiute in particular have a more Plains Indian background than the other two, but all three groups inhabited what is now Western Oregon for hundreds of years, and had a mostly friendly relationship.
The Museum houses a collection of artifacts and displays on ways of life in the area. For exampled, at right is a summer dwelling of the Paiute. These were simple structures that could be built in a day. Items on display include woven baskets, stone points, and hide blankets.
We drove up Mount Hood on the way to and from the reservation. We started out in 50+ degree temperatures. At the 1500-foot mark on Mount Hood, it was 32 degrees and snowing. At right is a picture of Mom "Singin' in the Snow" at the rest stop.
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