Much of the scenery was like this. These are the San Juan Mountains, by the way.
This is shot out the bus window at the road we would be riding in another minute or so. Much of it was again twisty and winding. I'm convinced that the state motto is actually: "Colorado -- where guardrails are for wimps."
Straight down as we round a curve. Mom had originally planned for us to drive this road to Durango, but chose another route after she found out about the lack of guardrails.
The bus that carried us to Silverton. The company is called Mild to Wild, and they offer several package tours coupled with the train ride.
And this is the "jeep." Actually, the company did have a jeep-like truck that they were supposed to take us around in, but when our bus driver's brother started it up that morning, he discovered someone had pour sugar in the gas tank. So we drove around in a couple of alternate vehicles.
A rock-crusher built into the side of a mountain. Stone containing metal ore was dropped down this set of stairs, breaking the stone up for easier extraction of the gold, silver, or other metal. The stone was then shipped to Durango for processing. The technique apparently couldn't be done in Silverton -- the altitude was so high that fire couldn't be made hot enough to melt the ore.
A long, long stream of waterfalls.
One of the ghost towns in the area.
Area gold mine. You could take a tour and visit a small exhibit on how gold and silver are mined. There are still a number of mines in the area that could be worked, but people have a hard time getting permits because of environmental constraints.
People on the jeep ride with me thought that was terrible and the government shouldn't be allowed to do that. Sorry, folks, but I'm with the EPA on this one. My clean drinking water trumps your mineral rights. Or it should, anyway.
I rode from Silverton back to Durango on the same train my parents took. They got the luxury accommodations. I got to travel coach, since I was only riding one way. This is my car, from the back.
If you didn't mind the wind, you could also ride in the open observation car.
Mom and Dad "de-train" in Durango.
Also, for the record, I picked up four Christmas gifts on this trip. :-)
And now for a our last "wave," to Jonathan and Cheryl at the bank:
And that's it, until the next trip in September. Tune in for yet another jaunt to Gettysburg, PA.