Thursday, May 17, 2012

Colorado, Part 3

May 16th:

We had planned to visit Rocky Mountain National Park, but there were apparently some concerns about the roads, so we skipped that and visited Idaho Springs, noted for its gold, silver, and metal mines.  There is a small museum and visitors' center in town, and we stopped there first. 

Because of "orphan mines", the area water supply has been contaminated, and the entire back of the museum is a display of clean-up efforts.  Partnerships between local groups, mining operators, and the federal government have been formed.  Land has been reclaimed, and mines sealed to prevent run-off of dangerous metal into the local water.  At right is a display of "before" and "after" in one area of the county.

During our visit, we were joined by a group of school kids, most of whom had no interest in the museum, and were either playing with items in the gift shop, or playing hide-and-seek among the displays.  Mom finally complained to the owner, and the kids were brought under control by their teachers.  We've been with school groups before, and many were well-behaved, so we know it can be done!

We then walked the local historic district, and did some shopping.  I picked up a couple items for myself, as well as three Christmas gifts. 

We returned to Black Hawk to our hotel room for the night.  Above is a picture of the elevator floor, just for everyone's viewing amusement.  Mom had the most excitement at this stop.  She played a game of Roulette, and won $3.  She also tripped on the sidewalk on a walk around town, and now has a number of bruises.  No broken anything, though, and she's doing pretty well.

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